Linda has had long standing experience as a classroom teacher and senior manager in both mainstream and special schools as well as in pupil referral units. Her specialist expertise is in autism, Special Educational Needs, inclusion and in teacher professional development.
She was employed for twelve years as a Local Authority Consultant Teacher in autism where she led a team of specialist teachers and teaching assistants. This team were very successful in improving outcomes for children and young people with autism and gained National recognition for their work. Linda has been a lecturer on university courses for SENCOs as well as other accredited post-graduate courses for qualified teachers.
She has worked extensively with the Autism Education Trust as a trainer and as a member of the project and materials development team. Free copies of these resources are available from the Autism Education Trust at:
Linda has completed the Professional Qualification for School Inspection and has experience as a school Inspector. She currently works as a school improvement advisor supporting a number of schools to develop provision ensuring improved outcomes and to raise standards. She has conducted SEN audits in schools and quality assures provision against national benchmarks. She has also worked with Local Authorities at a strategic level to develop and increase access to provision as well as establishing new provision. She has particular expertise in developing the role of support staff. She works both independently and together with colleagues under the auspices of Autism Associates.
Publications include:
1. The Autism Education Trust Progression Framework. Feb 2016. Farrel, S, Fidler, R. Christie, P and Lyn-Cook.L.
2. The Development of a Progression Framework for children and young people with autism.. Feb 2016. . Farrel, S, Fidler, R. Christie, P and Lyn-Cook. L.
3. Teachers Working with Teaching Assistants. Chapter 11 in Richards, G and Armstrong, F (2015) Teaching and learning in Diverse and Inclusive Classrooms. Linda Lyn-Cook and Vikki Anderson.. Edited by Richards, G and Armstrong, F. Pub Routledge 2015
4. Teaching Assistants Working with Teachers. (2016) Chapter 7 in Key Issues for Teaching Assistants: Working in Diverse and Inclusive classrooms. Linda Lyn-Cook and Vikki Anderson. Edited by Richards, G and Armstrong. F. Pub Routledge.
5. Autism Education Trust: National Autism Standards 2012 (Jones, G. Baker, L. English. A. Lyn-Cook. L.)
6. Autism Education Trust: Professional Competencies 2013.(Whittemeyer, K. Jones, J. English, A. Lyn-Cook, L. Milton, D)
7. Increasing Participation: Decreasing Bureaucracy.2010 Richards, G. Patterson, A. Lyn-Cook. L In: Hallett, F. and Hallett, G. Transforming the role of the SENCO. Open University Press
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